Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tangleation Playing

I am still playing with the basic Ixorus shape with different tangles.  I am really not sure if this is a tangleation because while Betweed isn't varied, the variation of 'Nzeppel is used.  Because they are both together in the Ixorus shape, does that make it a tangleation?  Oh well, even if it's not a tangleation, it was fun! 


  1. This is fantastic, Sue! I love the combinations of Betweed and Nzeppel with the Ixorus structure. It's just gorgeous. I can tell you had fun with this one. It's very expressive. =)

  2. Wow Sue,
    This is awesome! I love how Nzeppel makes a beautiful background, and the dark arcs give this tile movement.

  3. i love the teeny tiny pearls. The whole piece is amazing
