I was recently discussing "The Power Of Now", by Eckhart Tolle with my sister and started to search thru my bookcase, when I came upon a book that I had forgotten about. I read this book probably 5-10 years ago and have been really happy to rediscover it because it is a timeless treasure. It is titled "Simple Abundance", by Sarah Ban Breathnach. The book is organized as a walk through the year, in which you read a page or two each day. The six principles of the book are: gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty, and joy. (All of the things I feel when creating a zentangle.) It is filled with wonderful quotes, and ideas on how to live a more authentic life. Good idea for a Christmas gift for yourself to start reading on Jan 1! The day in August that I found the book, the passage was all about the courage to create-hmmm. "Dare yourself to believe in your creativity, wherever it may lead you. Trust that where it leads is exactly where you are supposed to be. The word
courage comes from the French word for heart,
coeur. Your authentic self knows where you're headed. Don't wrestle with Spirit. Collaborate with it." A couple weeks later there was is a passage on procrastination and how it can rob us of personal pleasure. At the end of each month, she has a list of "joyful simplicities" that you can do. For August, one of the items was to treat yourself to a deluxe box of crayons or a wonderful set of colored pencils and create a poster that reads "If Not Now, Then When?" and hang it where you'll see it every day. Mine is in my spare bedroom, that I have converted into my "Zen Studio".