Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Amanda (Earth Day)

The DIVA challenge this week is the 6th annual Earth (Amanda-the name her son gave the earth years ago) Day challenge.  I had this vision of using a tan zendala tile and doing tree around it with different tangles for the trunks and leaves.  I am traveling right now on an RV trip to visit the 5 national parks in UT (how earthy does it get), and my supplies are limited.  I didn't have any tan zendala tiles with me, so I used a tan square tile.  When I made my trunks, I didn't really have a way of making all different leaves on the smaller tile, so they all share the same leaves. Happy Earth day and happy week!  

Friday, April 21, 2017

Red Red Wine

No, this post isn't about the UB40 song, but my response to the DIVA's weekly challenge, coffee, tea, or me.  We are challenged to spill, spray, blot, etc. some type of liquid on our tile to use as our string. I used some red wine, very little, why waste something that good!  I wish I would have remembered to take a picture prior to tangling, but I didn't.  Anyway, I had some rings and splotches to work with and I tangled in and around them.  It looked funny with just the blank color, so I added Printemps to the color spills.  I enjoy staining the tiles prior to tangling. They always come out interesting! Enjoy the weekend, and thanks for visiting!  😊

Tangles: Knightsbridge, Betweed, N'Zeppel, Purk, Florz, Arukas, Paradox, Printemps

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Diva Challenge 311-Circle Square String

The DIVA challenge this week is to use a circle/square string.  You can use however many circles or squares you want, just make sure to use a least one of each.  I kept mine quite simple, with one square and two circles, and black ink on a white tile.  

This week has been all about heavy duty spring cleaning!  Washing out and organizing kitchen cupboards, washing and wiping down the wood cabinets with an oil to shine them up. Cleaning the wood blinds one slot at a time, washing windows and shining all the woodwork around them, ceiling fans, wall hanging, pictures, etc.... (omg, I am embarrassed to say how dusty some things were, yikes!)  We've had some beautiful weather (70's) so it's been nice to open up the house and air it out, along with the dust.  Ahh, love springtime!  

Hope you are enjoying the weather where you are, and wishing all of you a very Happy Easter! 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

FRUNKY (disguised as Opus)

This week at the DIVA challenge, we are trying out the tangle Frunky, by Katharina Konigsbauer-Kolb.  It's been a busy last couple of weeks for me, and then I came down with a sinus infection, mild flu, and pulled my back out.  I am on the mend now, and feeling a little stronger each day.  I did my tile last night and now as I am getting ready to post it, I see that I didn't do it right.  Oh well,  no I am posting it anyway.  When I looked at the step outs I saw the 3 Fescu type shapes with an aura around them, so I just added more aura's to mine.  I didn't realize the curvy crescent moon shapes were part of the tangle.  I don't have the time to do another tile, so this will have to be a variation of Frunky (even if it does look more like Opus).  😉