In celebration of Earth Day, this week's DIVA challenge is to do a tile or zendala with whatever Earth Day means to you. Laura talks about how last year she was cleaning out flower beds at this time, but this year the yard is covered in snow. I can relate to that....we got another 2-3 inches yesterday, after the 19 total we got over 3 days last week. Unlike Canada though, ours should melt pretty quick and the forecast is calling for 70 this weekend-YAY! Springtime is hopefully right around the corner.
Just like any other tile or zendala, I had no idea what I was going to do when I sat down. I knew I wanted plants or flowers (dreaming of spring). I started in the center with Poke Root and just continued out from there. When I added Scroll Feather it felt like waves in an ocean and that was when I decided to use my Tombow markers for color.
Happy Earth Day and happy spring yard clean-up and planting!
This week's Diva Challenge is to be inspired by stars, whatever that means to you. Laura posted some really pretty stars on her blog with a variety of different number of sides. I thought about using one of those as a template to complete this challenge, but then I thought about how making a true tile with the zentangle method has nothing to do with rulers, or templates, etc.. When I think of stars, Auraknot comes to mind, but I wanted to do something a little different, so Auraknot meets Diva Dance for my star, with a little bit of Tipple and Black Pearls around the outside.
I hope you are enjoying a wonderful spring day (or fall day if you are in the southern hemisphere). Here in Loveland, CO it has been snowing off and on for 3 days. We have approximately 14 inches now, and it is still snowing. We are in the midst of a terrible drought, so any moisture is welcome, even if it is all at once. I really enjoy these spring snow storms, since I am retired and do not have to travel to work any longer. It also helps knowing that it will probably be gone just as quickly as it came and spring will be right around the corner. Until then, I will sit an gaze out the window with my tea cup in hand... in between my tangling that is!
I am going to have a Zentangle Basic's Class in my home classroom on Sat., April 27th, from 1:00-3:30. The cost is $35.00 and includes all supplies. If you are interested, please call me at (970)669-3673 to register.
This week's challenge from the DIVA is to use squares as our strings. Start with one square, add another, more if you wish. Easy string idea, but lots of fun to do!
On my next one, I started with Bunzo (in sepia) around my first square, then had visions of painting a mountain scene with watercolors on the inside. After the delusion of being a watercolor artist left (have never painted anything in watercolor, let alone a scene) I thought I could do a little zentangle garden. So I used watercolor to paint the background and used a sepia pen to make my garden. I highlighted it with a white charcoal pencil and I added circles with a white gel pen. (Not sure I like the circles yet)
If you haven't seen some of the beautiful zentangle frames that Maria Thomas has made, make sure to check out these to links....a-frame-of-mine-d and bordering-on-reverie. These posts are not the first time Maria has shared her beautiful zentangle frames. If you search back through the zentangle blog you will find more.
This week'sDiva Challenge is another UMT (use my tangle) and we are trying LeeAnn Denzer's tangle, Tuxedo. I had never tried this tangle before and I found it pretty easy and has so many options when it comes to filling it in. Thanks, LeeAnn for another fun tangle. Thanks, Laura for this monthly "Use My Tangle" feature.