As I have mentioned previously, there is a group on Facebook called Square One, Purely Zentangle. Each week they have a focus tangle to try. I had been trying to post my entries every 5 weeks or so, but I guess I am behind in doing so.....enjoy!
I just want to take a moment to say thank you to all of my blog readers for all of the wonderful comments you have left me this past year. Your kindness is so very encouraging to me and it is so greatly appreciated!
I am wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year! Looking forward to sharing more tangled art in 2015! Take care all, and tangle on!
Wow, the last DIVA Challenge of the year! Also, when the DIVA comes back from the holiday break, she will be starting into her 4th year of challenges, which is unbelievable for me. I have been there from the beginning and have a binder full of art work to prove it. What fun it has been doing these challenges each and every week, and to look back on how my tangling has improved over the years. So, this challenge is to keep it simple, silly! In this busy time of the holiday rush, I am sure we can all appreciate something simple! I made a very simple Verdigogh , some color dots, and very little shading. Thanks, Laura for something simple, and congrats on starting your 4th year of challenges!
The DIVA is back! This week's challenge is to try the new official tangle, ARUKAS, created by Molly Hollibaugh, CZT and Product Manager at Zentangle, Inc. This tangle looks so different every time I try it, so I will be playing with this one more. Love the "Hollibaugh" effect it creates too!
This weeks challenge is brought to us by CZT, Emily Classon. Emily has the cutest little 4 year old girl that I see on her Facebook posts and she says her life is surrounded by dolls. As the mother of two adult daughters, I remember those days fondly when we were surrounded by dolls of all kinds too! As a little girl, I loved to play with paper dolls at my grandmas house....good memories! My oldest daughter is expecting her first child, and our first grandchild in Feb, 2015, so I am looking forward to be surrounded by dolls again!
I have always loved the Russian stacking dolls with their bright colors and patterns. I used that for my inspiration.................