It's that wonderful time of year again when the aspen trees turn their beautiful gold in the Colorado mountains. It has been unseasonably warm here still, with a high of 87 today. Good day to head for the hills and see some gold colors. For those of you in northern Colorado we headed up the Buckhorn Canyon to Pennock Pass road and over the pass to the Poudre River. The aspen's were beautiful all the way over the pass. If you're close by, I hope you take advantage of this weather and head to the mountains. We packed a lunch, the fishing rods, and my Zentangle tiles. Doug stopped several places to fish the streams and while I could have joined him, I opted to tangle instead. I really enjoyed sitting next to the river (nothing like that sound), seeing the fall colors, and doing the Diva's weekly challenge.
This week the Diva has us doing another duo tangle, JONQAL & OPUS. I love these challenges where we use two tangles that are quite opposite, because they always surprise me! In the 1st one, I started with Opus around the outside, using that as my string for Jonqal. I didn't plan on doing a second, but Doug was having fun fishing so I started another. I decided to do the opposite, and started with Opus in the middle and used Jonqal around the edge. Since I was out among the fall colors, I took a picture of them there.
What a beautiful day! Enjoy the pictures.

"The mountains are calling and I must go." and "In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." (John Muir)